When your full bladder keeps triggering unpleasant Braxton
Hicks contractions, but you’re supposed to drink lots of water
When you eat a good amount of food because you’re *so*
hungry, and then you get indigestion.
When you crave french fries, donuts, and popcorn, and you
don’t feel like having self-control!
When you squat to pull something from the lowest shelf at
work and literally fall on your butt
When pregnancy brain makes you blank out on a coworker’s
name… that you’ve worked with every week for months… in front of a patient
When you keep getting your scrub tops wet at work because
every time you wash your hands, your belly is too close to the overpowered
automatic faucet
When you are past a certain point in your pregnancy and
every single patient / family asks you about it
When you have a question about your patient for their
provider and… nope, it’s gone.
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